Sunday, 6 January 2013

The Fairtrade Resolution

Its time. Time to go Fairtrade with all products made or produced in developing countries.

Its not just about bananas.

Its about coffee, tea, mangoes, pepper, quinoa, wine, cashew nuts, chocolate, gold, silver, platinum, wood, flowers, honey, oil, jam, cereal, sugar, sweets, rice, cereal and everything else in between.

With Fairtrade Fortnight coming up from Monday 25th February - Sunday 10th March there is no better time to start.

2013 is the year we change our attitude towards our commodities and think about where they came from and how they were made and most importantly - who made them.

Hope for the Pangolin

We all know that there has been bad news for the Pangolin as numbers have rapidly declined - we know this because David Attenborough told us so on Attenborough's Ark.

He named the Pangolin as one incredible species that he would like to save - one of the many unknown (until now) creatures that are suffering from poaching, habitat loss and climate change.

There is now a shred of hope for the Pangolin as a rehabilitation centre has been opened in Cambodia which cares for rescued animals who are sick or damaged before releasing them back into the wild.

The pangolin's new found fame is a boost to conservation efforts but who else do we need to save? 137 species become extinct in 2012 so lets make sure we are aware of which species need special attention this year. Its not just about the Pangolin.

Find out more at the Red List:

Let the Tree Planting Begin...

Are you a social networker? Do you care about the future of the planet? Do you like trees?

The answer is of course you do! This is why Tree Nation is such an excellent way of combining planet friendly news and activities with the social networks that we already use.

Many individuals and companies have joined Tree Nation or started their own organisations so that we can work together to make the world better. This means tackling the big issues - desertification, deforestation and climate change.

There are so many benefits to tree planting that it is one simple solution to one big problem that we actually have the power to change. If you would like to plant your very own tree then they can be bought cheaply online from Conservation Volunteers;lid=52 then all you need is a prime spot to plant it in.

For every 10 followers who sign up to Tree Nation a tree will be planted and if that isn't enough for you there are many other reasons at

We'll see you on there :)