Sunday, 12 May 2013

The Rise of the School Farm

There are now 100 school farms in the UK and this number is set to rise.

The past six years have seen a big increase in school farms as the importance of food education grows.

School farms offer a fantastic opportunity for kids to connect with nature and also a way for schools to earn money and feed their pupils well.

TV chefs are applauding this innovative approach to education and sustainability.

Are you a pupil, parent or school teacher? Your school could be next!

Whether you want to grow a vegetable patch or harvest your own eggs you can find out more by following the links below:

Find out more at:

School Farms Matter:

TV Chefs:

Growing Schools:

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Move Your Money

Are you unhappy with your bank and the unethical way that they invest money?

Not to mention who they are lending your hard earned cash to?

You are certainly not alone as more and more people are voting with their feet and moving their money elsewhere.

Some people choose to move some of their money and others choose to move all of it, it depends what suits you best.

Luckily there are loads of websites to help you as well as advice on ethical banking.

Here are the top five ethical banks that people are moving their money into:

1.The Co-op and their Good with Money scheme:,CFSweb/Page/Bank  
2. Smile internet banking: 
3. Triodos Bank with their Know Where Your Money Goes model:  
4: Charity Bank and their philosophy of social change: 
5: Ecology Building Society and their Sustainable Mortgages:

There are other ethical building societies such as Coventry Building Society, Cumberland, Leeds, Nationwide and Norwich and Peterborough if you are lucky enough to live in these areas.

Last but not least watch Dave Fishwick on his journey to create a local bank for local people in Burnley: 

Make like Bank of Dave and check out the How to Start your Own Bank on Huffington Post:  y 

Simon Birch writes about Ethical Banking: 

How to Move Your Money: 

Invest in the main street, not wall street with move your money project: 

The Move Your Money Facebook Page: 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Plant, Plant, Plant!

Spring is here and the sun is out. Don't relax just yet - there's planting to be done!

Find a patch of land and make it your own. The flowers and tress that you plant this spring will mean that our bees, bats, butterflies and birds will get the early start that they need to survive the year.

The first question is where to start? The second is what to plant?

Some great suggestions are:
Tulips, Forget-me-nots, onions, shallots, crocuses, narcissus and lilies.

Check out the gardening calendar at:

For spring gardening tips:

For advice on how to plant bulbs:

Happy Planting! :)

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Fish Fight!

What do we want? 127 Marine Conservation Zones! When do we want them? Now!

Not the most original call to arms but impossible to ignore as this is a crucial time for action to retain the biodiversity of our seas.

Find and email your local MP here -

Tweet your supermarket and @RichardBenyonMP to demand that we preserve our oceans.

We've seen the documentary and now its time for people power, #Fishfight.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Animal Humanity

There have been some truly amazing stories about the compassion of animals in the press recently, especially in the cases of dolphins, gorillas, chimpanzees and elephants.

Here we have collected some of the most interesting stories of animals demonstrating emotional intelligence and compassion:

Dolphins try to save dying companion:

Elephants become stressed when leaving protected parks as they know they are not safe:

When they are under threat, elephants turn to their matriarchs to know what to do:

Gorilla mothers use 'baby talk' to communicate with their children:

Chimpanzees even give birth in the same way as humans, watch the amazing video of a chimp birth here:

They also catch contagious yawns from one another:

These news stories show how much we have to learn about the secret lives of the worlds creatures and why it is increasingly more important to get them all off the red list. When we coexist with animals in a peaceful way we are creating a better world where wildlife can thrive instead of diminishing into extinction.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Conservation in the UK

Have a spare weekend and want to make a difference to nature in the UK?

Fancy a career change?

Want to improve your CV?

Looking for something that you can do with the whole family?

Retired and want to keep active?

Conservation volunteering or jobs could be exactly what you need to get back to nature, stay busy and keep active. Everyone can get involved and there are activities available up and down the country every day of the week.

Here's a few places to start:

Activate Your Activism

In recent years internet activism has started to take on a deeper meaning as more and more people have joined the campaign for a better world.

The campaign site now has over 19,000,000 members from countries all over world and that figure is growing every day. Now, more than ever it is time to activate your activism and tell governments and corporations the steps that we would like them to make for positive change.

If we can have one resolution in life that we can all agree upon it is that we want to leave the world a better place. By making our feelings known we can encourage positive change in every sector of our lives and the lives of others.

Whether its support for gay rights on Uganda, banning plastic bags or conserving marine zones for our children, we can make our voices heard.

Start your own petition to the UK government:

More petitions and links available at:

Sunday, 6 January 2013

The Fairtrade Resolution

Its time. Time to go Fairtrade with all products made or produced in developing countries.

Its not just about bananas.

Its about coffee, tea, mangoes, pepper, quinoa, wine, cashew nuts, chocolate, gold, silver, platinum, wood, flowers, honey, oil, jam, cereal, sugar, sweets, rice, cereal and everything else in between.

With Fairtrade Fortnight coming up from Monday 25th February - Sunday 10th March there is no better time to start.

2013 is the year we change our attitude towards our commodities and think about where they came from and how they were made and most importantly - who made them.

Hope for the Pangolin

We all know that there has been bad news for the Pangolin as numbers have rapidly declined - we know this because David Attenborough told us so on Attenborough's Ark.

He named the Pangolin as one incredible species that he would like to save - one of the many unknown (until now) creatures that are suffering from poaching, habitat loss and climate change.

There is now a shred of hope for the Pangolin as a rehabilitation centre has been opened in Cambodia which cares for rescued animals who are sick or damaged before releasing them back into the wild.

The pangolin's new found fame is a boost to conservation efforts but who else do we need to save? 137 species become extinct in 2012 so lets make sure we are aware of which species need special attention this year. Its not just about the Pangolin.

Find out more at the Red List:

Let the Tree Planting Begin...

Are you a social networker? Do you care about the future of the planet? Do you like trees?

The answer is of course you do! This is why Tree Nation is such an excellent way of combining planet friendly news and activities with the social networks that we already use.

Many individuals and companies have joined Tree Nation or started their own organisations so that we can work together to make the world better. This means tackling the big issues - desertification, deforestation and climate change.

There are so many benefits to tree planting that it is one simple solution to one big problem that we actually have the power to change. If you would like to plant your very own tree then they can be bought cheaply online from Conservation Volunteers;lid=52 then all you need is a prime spot to plant it in.

For every 10 followers who sign up to Tree Nation a tree will be planted and if that isn't enough for you there are many other reasons at

We'll see you on there :)