Sunday, 16 December 2012

Where Have Our Birds Gone?

After the shocking news that we have lost £44 million birds in the UK since 1966, what can we do to bring our birds back?

Unfortunately one of the biggest reasons for the decline in bird populations is climate change which is having a huge effect on wildlife around the world.

Therefore, the best thing we can do for the bird and the bees is to reduce our carbon footprint and there are many ways that we can do this. One easy way is to eat less meat and buy locally produced food and drink.

Planting trees, hedgerows and shrubs is another fun and easy way to provide habitat for birds as well as reducing carbon at the same time. If you don't have a garden then ask to plant in a public area or wasteland.

Another easy way is to change to an energy supplier that invests in green energy to increase the demand for renewable energy in the UK and reduce demand for dirty fossil fuel pollutants.

When you've reduced your carbon emissions, hang up your bird feeder and watch the birds in your garden knowing that you have made better future for them.

Find out more about UK birdlife at 

Find out more about renewable energy at

Loads of tips on reducing your carbon footprint here:

Save the Bees

We may think that our wild creatures are safe from extinction in Britain but unfortunately that is not the case as various species are threatened especially by loss of habitat.

One very important creature that is under serious threat of extinction is the humble bee. Bees are vital to our food chain as they pollinate plants and make honey so we should certainly encourage them back to our gardens.

There are many steps that we can take to help our bee populations to grow and one of those is to discourage the use of harmful neonicotinoid pesticides.

Buying organic produce means that bees have more countryside habitat to live in. There are other measures you can take such as products to avoid and people to write to on the soil association website: 

It is very important to create new habitat for bees and plant flowers that they like, there is loads of information about campaigning and making the perfect bee garden on these websites: 

And sign the Avaaz petition against pesticide use here:

Happy gardening!

The Greener Way

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Meat Free Mondays

Did you know that if you go one day a week without meat then you could significantly reduce your carbon footprint over your lifespan?

The reason for this is that meat production consumes a higher percentage of the global water supply than any other commercial activity. Agriculture also uses 38% of the world's habitable land as well as 19% of the world's emissions of greenhouse gases.

We all know that by 2050 we will be struggling to feed a population of 9 billion which shows us that sustainable eating will be a hot topic in years to come.

Eating a diet that is lower in animal products means saving money and preserving our health with the added bonus of preserving the earth for years to come.

There are many delicious veggie recipes online so why not give it a go and have a Meat Free Monday? You may never look back...

Find out more about Meat Free Mondays at: and

Sunday, 2 December 2012

The Simple Life

I don't know about you but we've certainly become overwhelmed by consumer choices, constant bombardment by the advertising industry means that it is difficult to know what we it is that we want.

Shopping can be stressful especially at this time of year when some consumers become drones who over indulge in the carbon heavy sport of buying unnecessary items for family and friends as well as themselves.

Not surprisingly the backlash has begun with a growing number of people engaging in retro activities by using typewriters, traditional sewing machines, making homemade jam, milk delivery, home births and matchmaking are all back in vogue. Not only our these activities considerably greener than their modern counterparts, they also make our lives simpler and therefore less stressful.

In these times when depression is on the rise and work hours are getting longer, sharing an allotment with friends or making our own jam could be exactly the antidote we need to modern life.

Find out more about retro activities that have gained in popularity at:

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